What the bleep is normal? The human condition

Within the ever-changing and swiftly evolving live-event industry, the need to connect is as important as ever.

A basic human need to connect and gather, to experience face to face interaction, to learn and retain in a live environment, and to close a sale with a handshake. The ‘experience’ cannot be cultivated and then remembered through virtual application alone.

However, with all that we have learned and developed over the last few years, virtual will forever remain an integral element of any and every successful event.

Ellis will touch on many of the best practices gained over recent years and how they may be used to benefit both you, and live / worldwide attendees.

We will also discuss why remote attendees consistently “check out” after only a few minutes in session, and then do not reengage.

Most importantly, we will review the human condition and why connectedness is vital to psychological, emotional and physiological well being and how hybrid can be best used to connect the world as though together in the same room.


